Design Update for Manthorpe's Plain In-Line Tile Vent


This change is part of our effort and commitment to continuous improvement of our products and processes.

The updated design of the Plain In-Line Tile Vent GTV-PT and GTV-PT-GRAN (granulated variant) has been brought about to make the product more universal for use with some of the Spanish plain tile variants that are being sold more prevalently in the UK.

Some of these styles have more of the tile located behind the nib, which fundamentally changes the position of the headlap when laid. This new modification will make the GTV-PT suitable for use with a wider range of these plain tile styles.

As the parts are now longer, the boxes have slightly increased in length to accommodate the updated design.

Aside from this, the tiles still install and function in exactly the same way as before.

We will begin transitioning to this updated product solution by the beginning of November 2021.  During this period, some shipments may contain a mixture of former and updated product.

For additional information please contact either your local area sales representative who will be able to provide further assistance or our Customer Experience team on 01773 303030.

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